Style settings
September 7, 2022ConfigConfigSettingsLess than 1 minute
Style settings
The logo is displayed in the upper left corner of the page. The default is the AList logo
- You can set two different ones at night and during the day, one link per line
The favicon is displayed in the browser tab. The default is the AList logo
Main color
The main color is used to on the page. The default is #1890ff
Home icon
The home icon is displayed in the left of the navigation bar. The default is 🏠
Home container
- Max 980px: the main width will set to
min(99%, 980px)
- Hope container: sets the max-width of the content to match the min-width of the current breakpoint, refer to
Set the layout
Responsive: grids next to each other
List style: one grid per row
The default is: List (for new installs)