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Andy HsuGuideStorageGuide302Less than 1 minute


refresh token

Click here to log inopen in new window to obtain a refresh token

Since F12 is currently disabled on the web page, we can first open F12 on another page and turn on the NetworkPreserve log option.


Then enter https://www.terabox.comopen in new window in the address bar of this tab to enter the webpage, you can see the reserved request, and then find Cookie from the reserved request.


Download api

Download api needs to choose Crack ,before you can use (v3.29)

Root folder id

  • Root folder id is /
  • Mount other single subdirectories, put a picture for reference
    • Demo

Using Proxy Url to download error

"error_code": 31211,
"error_msg": "access denied"

View specific reasons: in new window

The default download method used