Quqi Cloud
January 27, 2024GuideStorageGuideNative RroxyLess than 1 minute
Quqi Cloud
Quqi Cloud:https://quqi.com ( v3.31.0)
Log in with your mobile phone number and password. It is recommended to use Cookie to log in.
Login using cookies can keep multiple terminals online at the same time. If you use mobile phone number, password
to mount, the login status of other terminals will be forced offline.
- Obtaining method: Just find one carrying the
parameter in theF12
network request and copy it
Root folder id
The root folder ID is 0
, other subfolder IDs refer to the figure below
Improve the single-connection download speed for VIP users and solve the problem of limiting the number of download connections for non-VIP users. CDN content needs to be decrypted, which will occupy some computing resources